During Saleabration (running from 7 January to 28 February 2025), there are fabulous, supercharged joining offers. There are two options:
- Option 1: Get £130 products for £99 PLUS a bonus stamp set and TWO Stampin’ Write marker packs of your choice (value £220!)
- Option 2: Get £130 products for £99 PLUS an additional £30 of products (value £160!)
And there’s free shipping, saving a further £6.95.
When you sign up you can create a completely custom Starter Kit of products. You can add kits, last-chance products, special offers or whatever you want into your Starter Kit. You get free shipping too, worth £6.95.
Sign up and join my Carol’s Crafters team of like-minded friends waiting to meet you. There are all sorts of benefits to becoming a Demonstrator.
- You get discounts on the products you purchase
- Early-bird peeks and copies of the new catalogues
- The opportunity to belong to a family of crafters that provide ideas, support and help when needed.
- Chance to meet and have fun with other demonstrators at various events, in person and online
If crafting is a big part of your life (or you’d like it to be!), if you’d love to meet up with like-minded people, if you love getting discounts and want the opportunity to earn money from doing the things you love, then please come and join my Carols Crafter’s team. There’s great craic as well as great crafting!
Get in touch if you’d like to know more – tel 07809 385116 or email carol@crsftycarolscards.co.uk
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Don’t forget – you get a FREE tutorial of 10 cards when you place an order with me. There’s a different set every month. And, if your order is over £30, you will also get to choose stuff from my online shop to the value of your order!