I love making and giving fun fold cards like the accordion card I made last week. But they will often not fit into normal envelopes. The simple solution is to make your own lidded box for cards such as these or any other small gift. 

Once you know how it’s quite easy! And that is what I show you in my latest Craftalong blog and video.

Decide on how strong you want the sides of your box to be. The sides can be single-layered (just one fold) or, my preference, double-layered (with a double fold).  Double-layered sides are stronger, and they cover up the tabs used to hold the box together. 

But it’s your choice! 

Practically, it may depend on the size of cardstock you have available. Calculate the pieces you need as follows:

First, measure the WIDTH and the LENGTH of your project, adding a couple of millimetres to the measurement at each end.

Then measure the DEPTH you need, again erring on the generous side.

For a double-sided box calculate: 

  • your measured width plus FOUR TIMES the depth 
  • your measured length plus FOUR TIMES the depth 

(For a single-sided box, add on TWO TIMES the depth)

This gives you the size of the cardstock you need.

For the top of the box, decide on the depth of the top you want. Boxes with tops half as deep as the base are easier to take on and off.  Calculate the cardstock size needed in the same way as for the box base.

The video shows you how to score and cut each piece and how to assemble your box. It also includes my special tip for always making lids that fit well!

If you prefer written instructions, the detailed step-by-step pdf is available in my shop.